OHP-GmbH, Weilburg


Our contact persons will be happy to answer your questions.


Our contact persons will be happy to answer your questions.

Management and Sales

Sebastian von Waldthausen
Chief Executive Officer

Phone: +49 6471 918-157
Email: swaldthausen@ohp-weilburg.de

Dirk Seibel
Chief Executive Officer

Phone: +49 6471 918-300
Email: dseibel@ohp-weilburg.de

Design and technic

Uwe Ratz

Phone: +49 6471 918-221
Email: uratz@ohp-weilburg.de

Sales and order processing

Martin Schuhmeir

Phone: +49 6471 918-380
Email: mschuhmeir@ohp-weilburg.de

Accounting and order processing

Esma final
Esma Altun

Phone: +49 6471 918-151
Email: ealtun@ohp-weilburg.de

Are you interested in working with us?
We looking forward to getting in touch with you.

Are you interested in working with us?
We looking forward to getting in touch with you.